Tuesday 1 February 2011

Impact of New and Digital Media Case Study

11. Are there any cross cultural factors and/ or effects of globalisation involved in the impact of new technology on your case study?

The Apple App Store is indeed a globally renowned product, with Apple stores across the world. The fact that the App store offers a diverse range of content enables people from different countries to learn about the lifestyles of people from different countries. Also, the availability of the iphone and simialr products around the world shows how Apple is a global product which can be accessed in different languages. Notably, apps such as 'Learn Writing Chinese' and similar apps for cooking encourage interaction and multiculturalism.

Globalisation is also a key element behind the Apple App Store, as the applications available in the App store are developed in different languages are cater for people from countries such as Saudi Arabia, for example apps such as ' Al Mashahid Al Sayani' is a news magazine which can be accessed in the UK. Similarly, American institutions have an influence in the App store, as applications such as 'Starbucks' and 'NFL Today' enable audiences to catch up with sports from the US in different countries.

Likewise, other apps enable audiences to experience different cultures and lifestyles, for example there are applications such as 'Japanese Recipes' , 'Indian Recipes' and 'microBleach' enable audiences to be more culturalised and more accepting of other cultures.

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