Choose a party broadcast from a major political organisation and give a detailed deconstruction of what ideologies are promoted in this text.
In this party election broadcast by the Green Party for the May 5 elections, various ideologies are promoted such as the Green Party stands by its voters, tells the truth and stands up for thier voters' voice and stick up to thier principles. The close up shot of the woman's face contrasts with the jovial expressions of the audience, as her speech silences the comedy club and tries to evoke some expression out of the audience to vote for The Green Party.
The broadcast scrutinises other politicians and political parties for not standing up for their voters, as they tend to favour the priviliged and not the other voters. The Green Party candidate injects positive ideologies into voters and urges them to vote for The Green Party and not other parties, as they only care for themselves and not for their own voters.
Unlike other parties, The Green Party is not funded by businessmen and does'nt care about having a public image and tries to persuade voters to vote for The Green Party, as it campaigns against the coalition's spending cuts and speaks up for the vulnerable and single parent families. By urging voters to vote for a pary that tells the truth, The Green Party tries to seperate from the other parties and try to uphold its ideologies which are to stand up for its principles, tell the truth and not be swayed by having a public image or use thier power for thier own benefit.
The party election broadcast encourages political change and is different to other broadcasts , as it enforces traditional party values and tries to construct itself to be more hardworking and honest for its voters.
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