Saturday, 30 April 2011

News Values Exam Practice

Analyse a news broadcast in terms of news values employed during selection and construction, possible gate keeping and possible bias in the broadcast. How explicit are these factors to the audience? Does this matter?

Frequency is signified in BBC's news values as they select latest news, for example the protests in Libya and the recent attempts by rebels and Gaddafi's supporters to siege land on the border with Tunisia. In the last few months , the news coverage has been focused on Libya and the efforts to end Gaddafi's dictatorship, therefore the BBC see it fitting to report on these events. The continuity news value is evident in BBC's news reports, as the events in Libya are constantly changing and are eventful, as signified with Gaddafi's troops claiming land on the border with Tunisia and contains repetition and regular updates of other ongoing events, such as the Royal Wedding.

The repeated reporting on the royal wedding of Kate Middleton and future King, William, refers to elite persons, as the wedding is broadcast worldwide and draws attention to royalty and instills patriotic values into audiences. There is also mini interviews with the public and thier reactions to the wedding, with one person talking about waiting overnight to see the event and street parties in Ilkley, East Belfast and other areas in the UK.

Another report linked to dynamics is the recent tornado in Alabama which has left many people homless and has destroyed the livehoods of many people. The sounds of people screaming and shots of the tornado sweeping across the state signify how destructive the tornado is. The high angle shot of Alabama signifies how much chaos and destruction has been done throughout the state, with the voiceover saying how search and resue teams are searching for missing people in the wreckage. As well as this , the reference to consance and Syria signified how people are protesting against the current government and President Asad's re

In terms of the way the show was structured, the gatekeepers show external news of negativity, as signfied with Libya, and Syria, where protestors were killed by police. The proximity of news involving the British citizen killed in a cafe in Marrakesh, as well as the conflict in Bristol , where 15 people were killed due to the building of a Tesco supermarket in the area. Therefore, the local news became closer to home,although the negative news in selected at the end, the programme concludes with the main event; The Royal Wedding.

The bias report surrounds Syria, as 500 people were killed and actually stigmatises the protestors, as events in Syria have only recently emerged and could potentially erupt into a wider conflict between people and the Syrian government.

Though, these factors may not be explicit to audiences, as the programme lasts half an hour and only mentions the daily news, which is only a fraction of the programme which is undermined by the talked about Royal Wedding . Yet, the BBC might have chosen these stories, as they could affect a larger audience, as signfied with the tornado in Alabama , the protests in Syria to name a few. However, these factors may not immediately affect the audiences, as they can access news on the internet, smartphones and other devices to gain information on events going on in the world. The News proves to be an outlet for audiences to be curious of events and to follow their interests on events as they progress.

Although, audiences would be unwilling to pursue the wider news, as BBC news covers the top stories and broadens events into time slots, which may be enough for audiences who might not find the time to catch up with latest stories.

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