Saturday, 23 April 2011

Media Mock Exam Revision

Task 5- Episode from The Simpsons

'The Great Simpsina'

Dominant Reading

The Simpsons is a family orientated show which contains humour and satirises society.

Negotiated Reading

The Simpsons is a show which contains humour and conventional American stereotypes such as Chief Wiggum, but also has social and political messages.

Oppositional Reading

The Simpsons is a show which contains negative stereotypes and has humour which may offend countries such as China. The show contains poor role models and actually does'nt represent the ideal American family and has gradually begun to tire in terms of plot, structure and ideas.

The reading which is closest to my own is the negotiated reading, as it enables me to look at the underlying conventions of the text and defines what the producers of the show are trying to convey in each episode. By having stereotypes which are believable, I am able to be more familiar with the text and identify with different characters.

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