Monday 15 November 2010

Representation Case Study: Obesity in the media

The representation of obese people and obesity in TV documentaries and related texts such as magazines

For my representation case study, I chose to focus on obesity in media, especially across the platforms of broadcast and print. Interestingly, I decided to focus on this group, as the media is seemingly concerned with the growing levels of people becoming overweight. As a result, there is a growing moral panic of obesity being on the rise, with a host of documentaries such as Tax the Fat , Super Size vs Super Skinny , The Biggest Loser focusing on obesity and how groups such as children are growing obese.

In conjunction to my study, I have identified theorists such as
Nick Lacey, who focused on image and representation. Lacey will be a useful in order to focus on the image of obese people in magazines and documentaries. As well as Lacey, I have chosen to use Richard Dyer, who focused in role of stereotypes, in order to research how obese people are stereotyped as being ugly in gossip magazines and documentaries. Though, a crucial theorist which I will refer to is Stanley Cohen, who is prominent for his theory on moral panic. Cohen's theory will be used in the case study, as I will focus on how audiences are worried due to the constant mediation of obesity in the news and across other platforms, with documentaries on Channel 4 showing the dangers of obesity.

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